24 heures de science24 heures de science

About us

24 Hours of Science

24 Hours of Science is a day-long event filled with science and technology activities for everyone (children, teens, young adults, families, seniors, etc.). Over 400 activities take place throughout Quebec! The event starts on Friday at noon and ends 24 hours later, giving room for evening and late-night activities.

Activities include: laboratory visits, conferences, science bars, science competitions, films and several special activities. The activities cover a vast range of scientific fields: biology, health sciences, astronomy, natural sciences, engineering, environment, etc. There is something for everyone!

The idea of this great event is to encourage interaction between researchers and the public, stimulate the public’s interest in science and technology, and promote scientific careers to our youth.

Telling science!

This year’s theme : the environment, and more specifically our role in our environment and our relationship with nature. More than ever, humans are aware of their impact and their solutions to change the scenario of tomorrow. Of course, science has a big role to play in the understanding of the situation and in the solutions that we can find. Every disciplines is concerned, from ecology to technology, including chemistry, human sciences or geology…

As every year, the theme of 24 hours of science is a suggestion but never mandatory.


Since 2010, the event 24 Hours of Science has been recognized and supported by UNESCO.

In 2010, the 24 Hours of Science received the Award for Science Promotion from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).

In 2011, the Association for the Development of Research and Innovation of Quebec (ADRIQ) awarded the Innovation Prize to the 24 Hours of Science in the category “Relève Technoscience” (Science & Technology Promotion).

In 2016, the 24 hours of science joins the Science Odyssey, a Canadian event organized by NSERC that celebrates science from coast to coast.

Science pour tous

logo of Science pour tous

Science pour tous is the organizing and presenting body of the 24 Hours of Science. It is a private, non-profit organization that brings together organizations working in the science, technology and innovation sector. Its represents approximately 250 organizations in all aspects of science and technology, such as science museums, interpretation centres, science media outlets and science activity centres. Science pour tous receives financial support from the Ministry of the Economy of Science and Innovation.

Mission: Bring together organizations in science and technology. Support their activities through creating and maintaining a network for said organizations to meet and be recognized.

Objectives: Work to foster links among organizations, governments, businesses, the research community and the public; strengthen partnerships, and networking.